Sunday, January 24, 2010

The end of a chapter is just a preview for the next chapter. (Introduction)

16 days! I'm sitting here all relaxed on the outside, but inside anxious, nervous and just flat out excited for my expedition that lies ahead of me. February 8th 2010 couldn't crawl any slower... I'm sure we all had these feelings before. I feel as if I'm sprinting towards the finish line. I'm moving so fast, but its all moving in slow motion and feels it will never end. This chapter of my life has been ending for a long time it seems. Now its just leading into the next chapter. A preview if you will.

I will be moving to Perry Point, Maryland for 10 months for Americorps NCCC Winter 2010 term. I just turned in my travel info and such the other day. Finally, the last of the long grueling application process.
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I made this first blog just for an introduction, so I won't get into too much detail. I will try to make a post with pictures at least once every week. I'm sure there will be times where I may not have a chance because of work and such so just bare with me in those times. I will be honest. I won't pretend to be someone I'm not in my blogs. I won't use words I don't normally use. I probably won't have the best writing structures because I will write this as if I'm talking. I will be myself in my posts so my attitude or lingo may change. Which means I may change.

I will probably change things with the page yet because I'm still trying to figure things out. Okay, I will make my first actual post probably in one week.

This is where I live, Michigan

Michigan still

This is my car, it gets me from place to place...

Just kidding, This is my car. The one and only.

KIDDING AGAIN. If you seriously believed me... Anyways, 95 Skylark. Shes a beast. It's the inside that counts.

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